Sunday, December 25, 2011

Consecrated Grip

Source inspiration: Joshua 3:5 [NIV]: 5Joshua told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you.”

Saints and soul riders!

Christmas tidings;
Blessings of future ridings.

Although we are mere,
We are His rank and file.
Singletrack and single file;
Mile for mile, we smile;
Near and a far;
We ride just as we are,
Under one Kingdom and all
Mountain domains,
Aspiring to be complete.

The canyon eaglet;
Dreams of singletrack velvet;
In open space,
His Word unravels and reigns.

Let the ride be full symphonic.
Ride onward, whistle and shout:
Now, Blackstar! Now, Joplin! Now, Mustard, and Bovinian!
On, Cholla! On, Trabuco! On, Nobel and Telonics!

Let there be peace, glory and joy in every moment;
Let every ride be a legacy.
Let clay, rock, and sand
Sanctify our humility.

‘Tis the season to remember,
Holiday grips,
Finger wrapped;
Shock absorbing;
Hand conforming;
Let your daily ride
Be ever transforming.

In our Father’s house;
A strong, firm grip,
Steers us to Kingdom peace;
By His grace, goodness, and strength;
Always engaging.

Get your grip,
Lock on; no slip.
Ride seasoned,
Like salt;
Gravity defying;
Satisfying; edifying;
Not mystifying.

Riders and Saints!
Consecrate yourselves,
For this New Year,
The Lord will do amazing things among you.

Let’s ride!
Be blessed and kept.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Saints and soul riders!

Extra ordinary;
Navigating open space;
Ever-changing landscape.

Beyond ordinary;
Singular plurality;
Pedaling and pacing;
So naturally;
Sweet trails of liberty.

Autumn chill;
All seasons;
Daylight savings;
‘Tis the season;
For early evenings;

Makes thee hunger;
Craving, raving;
Over and yonder;
Landscape and thrills;
Local foothills.

Mountain bike riding,
Never a dull moment.
Open space;
Lost in atonement.
Creation; glorification.

Beyond ordinary;
Seasonal shifts;
Singletrack striations.
At times smooth;
Next rain rutted;
Then loose,
Rock spotted.

Enter trailhead;
Navigating singletrack;
Dirt ribbon; thread.
Landscape sailor;
Moment to moment,
Shifting derailleurs.
Dedication, edification.
Nautical, technical.

Our daily bread,
Made in heaven;
Constant; never changing;
Same yesterday, today, tomorrow.
Unleavened table bread,
Made in a hearth;
Here on Earth.
Pita, tortilla;
Torta, focaccia;
Lavash, naan;
Matzo, chapati;

Open space; natural;
Today terra firma;
Public and free.
Tomorrow, terra incognita.
Divine Trinity;

Along the path;
In the moment.
Suddenly, randomly,
Dislodged rock,
Middle groove.
Knock, knock.
Navigation skills;
Feats of derring-do;
Overcoming shortcomings;
Near spills in the
Rock garden of Eden
Landscape Kingdom;
Angels and air shocks;
Behemoths and coil springs.
Creation; His offspring.

Be blessed and kept.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Source inspiration: Mt 18:9-14
The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
 9To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else, Jesus told this parable: 10“Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. 12I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’ 13“But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’ 14“I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”

Saints and soul riders!
Let’s ride!

Numerical discernments.
Hub engagements.
Numbered days; rides;
Past history,
GPS data; virtual guides.
Newton’s mystery; gravity.
Physical, kinetic, magnetic.

Elevation gain; numerical,
Elation gained; evangelical.
Bespoken pace, cadence;
Open space, fragrance.
With each breath,
Truth; revelation.

Soul riders,
Disciple: one bike;
Evangelist: two bikes;
Apostle: three bikes;
Saint: Four or more.
Rolling singletrack;
Downhill course;
Nature’s auditorium
For His discourse.

Ride alloy steed;
In the saddle
Pedal and pace;
Inspire open space grace:
His goodness and strength.

Be unyoked; He is our Guide.
Beyond mere numbers, infinity,
Even gravity, kinetic mass.
Rides a Yeti;
On a mustard seed;
And Bianchi SASS:
Soul Armored Single Speed.

Private space;
Gated; fenced;
Guided by code and law,
Property line; well-defined,
Such measurements; rulers.

Open space;
Public and free
(For some, a parking fee).
His eyes and ears,
Our Daily ride,
See and hear.

Disciples, evangelists, apostles, and saints!
Anointed into MTB ministry.
Ride unyoked; elevated;
GPS data, ride history.
All is erased,
In our future history.
Crown of victory.

Be blessed and kept.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Thick and Thin

Source inspiration: Genesis 41. Pharaoh has dreams of seven healthy fat cows devoured by seven skinny ugly cows; and seven healthy heads of grain swallowed by seven withered, thin heads of grain. Joseph, a Hebrew servant, interprets Pharaoh’s dreams indicating the land of Egypt will have seven years of great abundance followed by seven years of severe famine.

Soul riders!
Let’s ride!

Thick ride;
Plush eight;
Double crowned;
Anointed heavyweight.
Downhill power back.

Thin ride;
Full rigid;
Anointed flyweight.
Singletrack scat back,

Season cycles,
Ride the Luge;
Thick or thin will do.
Mud armored;
Slippery, clay phlegm;
Sliding mayhem!
Down the tube.

Ride quantities:
Thick calculations; estimations.
Thin, arrowhead lines;
Quadrants, directions; xyz trajectories;
Mass; speed; and gravity;
Narrow margins, laws and moments;
Angles, degrees, and 3D geometries;
Mathematics, axioms, proofs;
Notations; natural; physical;
Reasoning beyond common intellect.
For some, clear like thin soup.
For others, thick mystery.

Ride qualities:
Through thick and thin,
Inseparable pair.
Trials, tribulations; triumphs, victories.
Mental preparation; imagery;
Subtleties; complexities; and mysteries.
Seasoning like salt;
Sensations; supernatural; spiritual;
Table salt etiquette.
Universal flavor,
Savory; satifsfying
Warm hearty soup.

Be blessed and kept.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Breath Sounds

Source inspiration: Ps 100:1-5 (NIV)
1Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. 2Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. 3Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. 4Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. 5For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.

Riders and saints,
Let’s ride!

Mile after mile;
Handlebar in hand;
With hydration on demand.
Pedaling and pacing;
At times coasting.

Let the ride be
Lean rawhide;
Free of pride,
Wet it; dry it;
Reshape it.
Edify and tan it
With faith and wisdom.

Breathless breath sounds;
Steady pacing;
Grunt energy bursting;
Sometimes shouting; hooting;
Breath taking.
Stir it up!

Repeating cycle.

Ride defined;
Listen inspired.
Silence of breathing.
Moment of transfiguration.

A joyful noise,
Inhalation; inspiration.
Exhalation; exhaltation.
Mountain cycle.

True characters revealed;
In rocky, unstable terrain.
Wheels spinning true;
Frame creaks and sqeaks;
Anointed chain smooth shifting;
Tubeless no leaks.
Up above; beyond sky blue.
In open space,
He speaks.

Ride in open space,
In silence be heard;
With every inspiration,
Breath sound,
Seek and we are found.

Be blessed and kept.

Monday, October 10, 2011

No Reverse

Source inspiration: Phil 3:13-14 (NIV)
13Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

Riders and saints,
Let’s ride!

Between trees hidden.
Reveal tread tracks,
Forward bound ridden;
Singletrack ribbon,
No reverse to be found,
Only tire tread sound.

Epic ride;
Dawn to dusk,
Ride on,
Long, narrow, and steep;
Inch by inch;
Mile after mile;
Grimace with a smile.

So many lines;
Rocky rutty rolling
Weight back;
Drop in.
No reverse;
Forward on.

Graded climb,
Steep incline,
Crest over.
Fast downhill sweep;
Faster than a bird,
Or sound tweet.

Mile after mile;
Pedal and pace
Under His grace;
Kingdom space.

Riding trails builds trust;
As does daily trials; tribulation.
The anointed chain
Prevents rust.

Be blessed and kept.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Source inspiration: Matthew 5:13 (NIV)
13“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.

Soul riders and saints,
Let’s ride!

Be soul armored.
Strength from within.
Like rock salt,
Savory sodium.

Only one way to the podium.
Follow the path;
The truth; the light.

Our gift,
Amidst gravity;
Instability; at times
Blind corners;
Rocky paths.
Soul riders
Enduring and transforming.
Make a sweet glide.
Our daily ride
With knobby tread;
Our daily bread.

Over rocks, drops, ruts;
Ride with grace;
Pedal and pace
In open space.

Sweet and salty bread;
Figs, nuts, dates;
Protein shake;
All create
Savory humble pie;
Apple of His eye.

Riding m.t.b.,
Soil gravel;
Loose rock instability;
Moments of gravity;
Sandy slides;
Narrow ridges;
Rocky spines;
Steep climbs.
Singletrack ribbon;
This is open space heaven.

Rocky terrain;
Trail tribulation;
Hidden opportunity.
Soul armoured,
With clear eyes,
Seek the narrow line.
Soul restoration.

Open space;
Do not forget
Gloves and socks;
Helmet of salvation;
Pack of hydration;
Pedal and pace.
Spin nobby;
Tread with grace.

Narrow gates;
And rocky exposures,
Mile after mile,
Puts to the test;
Reveals our character
And our skills.

Be graceful
Under pressure.
Our mountain quest.

Be blessed and kept.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Free to Ride

Source inspiration: Matthew 18:20 [KJV] 20For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Saints; Soul Riders!

Let the ride be free of pride.

Open space,
Solo ride,
Along the Divide;
Let it edify.

Group ride,
Two or more,
Pedal and pace.
Be glorified
In His name.

On or off
The Ride,
And edify.

His Will;

Land of milk
And Honey;
Elected and appointed;
Anointed chain
May stretch;
But does not rust.

Let each ride
Be blessed;
Soul riders,
Be kept.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Twin Balance

Source inspiration: Sophia and Faith; Proverbs 3:1-35 [NIV]
Saints; Soul Riders!
Find your balance.
Over rock;
Let’s roll!

Our Father’s peace,
His grace,
So pure;
Our pedal; pace.
So sure.

Wisdom and Faith.
Hope; love grandeur.

Do angels ride?
His reply:
Day in; day out

In open space,
A secret place,
Public and free
For all to see.

One by one.
One plus one.

On 9:15,
His grin
Makes a twin.

Spin, spin!

The Anointed Chain
That’s me,

Be blessed;
Be kept.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Mountain Shift

Source inspiration: Mt 17:20 [NIV]
 20 He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

Soul riders and Saints,
Single speed,
Gear amnesia.
Forward momentum;
Secret sanctum.

Tiny grain;
Mustard seed,
Pedal and pace,
Mountainous terrain;
Sycamore fig tree.
Open space.

Full rigid,
Front lockout.
Full speed ahead,
Your daily bread.
Gospel truth,

Sweet spot drift
No doubts;
Faith kernel
Mountain shift.
Refreshing; vernal.
A new sensation.
Regardless, any tribulation.

Be blessed and kept.
Let’s ride!

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Source inspiration: Proverbs 3:5-8 & 3:11-12 [NIV]:
5Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. 7Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and shun evil. 8This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.…………….11My son, do not despise the LORD’s discipline, and do not resent his rebuke, 12because the LORD disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.

Soul riders and Saints,
Ride mtb;
Day in; day out,
Singletrack weave;
Fireroad ribbon.

Joy and glory;
Injury and suffering,

Trials and tribulations,
Engineered by our Father’s hand;
Reminds us
He is near.
Mystery of mysteries;
His Will,
No fear,
Someday will be
Ride elected,
His pride and glory;
Kingdom come.

Engineered by our hand;
A different kind.
Temptation and human will.
No mystery;
Our weakness revealed.
Mere pride,
At times,
Interrupts the ride.

Our Father’s wrath,
Not a fiery, brimstone path;

Our Father’s wrath,
Merely His absence;
Watching us
From a distance,
As we stumble and mumble,
Lost in balance,
Cadence, and patience.

Learning to ride a bike
With no Father.

We are blessed;
With the joy of the ride.

A wish upon riders,
Let the ride
Be free of pride.
May his shining gaze
Light up your path.

We ride His open space.
From the start,
Be soul armored.

In daylight;
Good knight.

Save a place
In your heart
For Him to dwell;
Crisp and clean,
Listen for it.
Gospel truth;
Bear bell.

Be blessed and kept.
Let’s ride!

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Source inspiration: Matthew 13:47-50 (NIV)
47Once again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net that was let down into the lake and caught all kinds of fish. 48When it was full, the fishermen pulled it up on the shore. Then they sat down and collected the good fish in baskets, but threw the bad away. 49This is how it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous 50and throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Souls and Saints,
Let’s ride!

Singletrack capture.
Be caught up
In the air,
Over rocks, drops,
Roots and ruts,
Be captured and raptured.

Pedal and pace
Under His grace.

Mountain peace;
Smooth grind,
Chainring teeth.

Gear shift,
Seamless and swift.

Grimy chain,
Absence of oil membrane.
Holy Gethsemane (pronounced Geth-sem-any)
Source of gnashing teeth.
What a shame,
A lesson learned,
Oil your chain;
The anointed chain

8, 9, or 10 speed,
Regardless of creed.
Jubilee, Jubilee!
No matter your liking
Revel in mountain biking!

On or off the ride,
Gospel truth.

On the ride,
Spin chainring.
Beyond outdoor sensation,
Wonder in His mere creation.

Off the ride,
A balance.
Trials and tribulations,
A reminder,
Our Father
Always near.

King of Kings
Lord of Lords.
The eagle soars.

Be blessed and kept.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Strong Riding

Source inspiration: Philippians 4:13 [ESV]
13I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

Matthew 18:20 [ESV}
20For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.
Souls and Saints!
Ride soul armored.
Daily ride
In open space;
Singletrack or
Along the Main Divide.
When two or more ride;
A time to edify.

Soul armor,
More skin tight
Than skin.
Lighter than carbon,
But stronger than steel;
Corrosion resistant
Beyond aluminum, scandium
Titanium alloy.
Defies Father time;
Warranty eternity.
Essential gear;
Custom fitted;
More true
Than a perfect wheel.
Ulitmate bespoke.

Anointed chain;
Helmet of salvation
For our little craniums.
In an instant
Gravity can attack.
Beware poison oak sumac.
Close inspection does reveal
Dents and dings;
Gouges and cracks.
Arm; leg armor;
Gloves of faith.
Shoes of pedal,
Peace, and pace.
Singletrack and singlefile;
We find our place.
Public and free
Is His grace.
Just like open space.

Our daily bread,
Ride energy;
Carbon hydration.
Essential, good nutrition.
Sustains our body,
Take it in.
Crackers and salt;
Don’t forget
Protein with Saltine.

Our Father,
Daily bread.
Let your soul
Load up;
Soak it up.
Even His crumbs,
Soul hydration.
Sustains our spirit,
Essential, gospel truth.
Don’t forget,
Pedal and pace,
Fellowship eternity.

Souls and Saints,
Be blessed and kept.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Singletrack Rock n' Roll

Source inspiration: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 [KJV]
1 To everything there is a season,  A time for every purpose under heaven: 2 A time to be born, And a time to die; A time to plant,  And a time to pluck what is planted; 3 A time to kill, And a time to heal; A time to break down, And a time to build up; 4 A time to weep, And a time to laugh; A time to mourn, And a time to dance; 5 A time to cast away stones, And a time to gather stones; And a time to refrain from embracing; 6 A time to gain, And a time to lose; A time to keep, And a time to throw away; 7 A time to tear, And a time to sew; A time to keep silence, And a time to speak; 8 A time to love, And a time to hate; A time of war, And a time of peace.

Souls and Saints!
Ups and downs;
Hills and canyons;
Injuries and healings;
Climbing and downhilling.
Times of joy and suffering.

Consider this promise:
Land of milk and honey.
The first a necessity;
The second, extra credit; bonus.

Let’s ride!
Souls and soles pedal and pace,
Under the Son; His grace.

Elevation train.
Climbing; steep,
At times, pace at a creep.
Pedal after pedal,
No need for a brake.
Long suffering.
Gravity mortgage;
Then, at last, crest the ridge;
Main Divide; Mount Sinai
Gravity mortgage; paid in full.
Glory! Glory!

Give a shout!
Next, downhill sweep.
Payday; winning lottery.
Knee deep in gravity.
Speed, friend and foe.
Do the singletrack rock n’ roll;
Swing hips; booty to and fro.

Day in; day out.
Salt of the earth.
Built-up bike.
With the ride,
Edify with each roll.
On or off the trail,
Ride the good ride.
Navigate daily trials;
Open space trails.
Whether on parole or patrol,
Open space Kingdom.
Ascend descend transcend
Son’s day; payday;
Pray and roll,
Your own,
Custom made; bespoke.
Ride unyoked.

Be blessed and kept.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Clear Line

Source inspiration: Luke 10:38-42 [KJV]
38Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village: and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house. 39And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus' feet, and heard his word. 40But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me. 41And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: 42But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.
All saints and souls,
Let’s ride!

Lungs inspired,
Fresh air.
Our Father did
Breath; inspire.
Soul riders.

Day in; day out,
Singletrack and singlefile;
Mile after smile.
All are rank and file.

Pedal and pace
Ride open space
Day in and day out
Never an old routine
Soul protein.

Rocks, drops, roots, ruts
Keep us alert;
Ears open.

Mtb riding,
Open space.
Our own pace;
Public and free;
Seems logical.
At times technical;
Takes time
To be daily practical.
Mtb riding;
Father’s ministry,
Ponder similarities.
A doctrine of
Balance amidst instability.
One true line;
Seek it with certainty;
Heart and mind;
Peace and clarity.
Imagine this:
A crowded mind
Has no room
For Him.
In His house,
There are many rooms.

Rocky, loose singletrack;
Uncertainty, fear.
Hesitation; trepidation.
Our will dictates: “Go slow, go slow;”
In a millisecond, millimeter,
Gravity enters;
Grabs and pulls;
Suddenly, oops! Down we go.
Stumble, tumble in slow mo.
Offline; no joy; no glory,
Just a bruise to shine.

Mystery of mysteries;
Unseen; invisible.
Gospel truth;
His will; go with the flow;
Against logical;
Counter to our fear,
Speed; cuts and steers
Through rock and sand;
Conquering our fear.
Affirmation; jubililation.
Singletrack milk,
Extra credit,
Bonus loop of honey.
Faith, Love, Hope,
This is money in our Father’s economy.

First goats, then
Narrow singletrack;
Narrow rock gate.
Along the way
Fallen saints
Out of fellowship.
But it’s okay.
No one is 100% pure.
Even Peter doubted;
Rebuked Christ Jesus thrice.
Salutation; lend a hand;
Perhaps a cure.
Not so obscure.

Ride mtb;
Like gospel truth,
Public and free.
This is the premise:
Balance and faith;
Amidst instability; loss of gravity.
His grace a promise.

Grace and faith,
His Kingdom’s space.
His will and pace;
Public and free;
Beyond logical.
At times revelational;
Takes time
To be daily practical.

Daily ride;
The Word’
Daily vitamin
Let the ride

Mountain biking.
Rider centered;
Loose and rocky;
Unstable, uneven;
A difficult path.
Eyes uplifted;
See what’s ahead.

Keep centered;
Made whole.
Ride open space;
Your secret place.
Protected time;
So sublime.
Time to reflect;
Our will or His will.
Ride open space;
Eyes and ears open;
Hear His voice; His call.

Imagine this:
In the land of Galilee
First came the goats
Then sheep, cows;
Wild horses mile after mile.
Then Christ Jesus on His mtb.
Shouting Glory! Glory!
Ohh wee! Ohh wee!
Saints and soul riders,
Follow me; follow me.
A new singletrack
From mountain to the sea.

Gospel premise;
His promise.
Give praise,
A mere shout;
Here and there;
Greetings to fellow bikers..

Be blessed and be kept.