Source inspiration: Gen 3:8-9 [NIV]
8Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden. 9But the LORD God called to the man, “Where are you?”
Saints; Riders.
Gather, appointed and anointed.
Let’s ride!
Stir up;
Rouse the dust.
Pedal, roam;
Ride open space,
Supreme is His place.
A call for all;
A chance to pedal and roam
In our Father’s home,
So many rooms.
A nugget of glory.
This is the story.
Downhill, free riding
Cross-country, trail riding
All mountain, dirt jumping
Super D, single speeding
Even cyclocrossing.
Soul riders and saints
All are called;
All are elected;
Some accept;
Some reject.
Those who accept,
Election fulfilled.
Anointed and appointed.
Realization, revelation, reconcilation;
Affirmation, redemption;
Salvation from incarceration.
King of Kings,
Lord of Lords,
Mystery of Mysteries.
Familiar; beyond mere theory.
Some will neglect or not accept.
But when revealed,
He is knowable; personable.
Even though unseeable.
So agreeable.
Ancient and colossal;
Roamed the earth galore.
What human did see?
Or perceive?
If not for fossils,
No one would believe.
Alas, poor Adam and Eve.
No fossils of
Original rib and cage;
Better yet,
Bible front page!
Holy Trinity,
A welcomed mystery.
We pedal,
Open space.
He knows our pace;
Let us not forget,
This is Father’s place.
In His Kingdom and Garden,
No one left behind;
No paperwork to sign;
Through Christ Jesus,
Be wined and dined.
Saints and riders,
Guard yourselves;
Elbows, knees, head, and all.
Through trepidation or tribulation,
Joseph, a good man.
Jacob’s son; colorful cloak.
Had dreams of kinfolk;
Suddenly put down;
Stuck in a pit;
Faithful; true grit;
Risen; fit for a crown.
True story; not a hoax.
See him riding singletrack;
Aliso Woods, Cholla, Five Oaks.
Saints, Soul riders,
Ride the good ride.
Up and downs;
Brutal climbs;
Technical downs.
A path to wander.
A path to wander.
Full of wonder;
Makes you stronger.
Saints and riders,
Trepidation and tribulation.
Humble Pie:
Not for the shy.
Noble Canyon:
Seek a shuttle companion.
Rutty lines,
Rocky drops;
Each ride, a preparation.
Little room for hesitation;
Seek the right line.
Even for Einstein,
Verily, Holy Trinity:
A mystery.
Open space, singletrack;
Soul riders’ seminary.
Beyond mere intellect;
Mystery of mysteries,
Revealed in time.
Like the right line,
Often, a narrow gate.
Make it through;
Clean it like a slate;
Give praise with jubilation.
No matter hesitation, trepidation, or tribulation,
Claim your reservation,
Public and free;
It was meant to be.
Fulfill your election;
Promised regeneration;
An affirmation.
Eternal is God’s nation.
Let’s ride!
Be blessed and be kept.