Sunday, February 26, 2012


Source inspiration: “11I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Phil 4:11-13 [NIV].

Saints and soul riders,
Let’s ride!
In open space,
Pedal and pace;
Gifted with grace.
Public and free.

In open space,
None judged; no disgrace;
Just pedal and pace.

In open space,
Release in faith;
Our Father sweeps and leads;
On a tandem, He rides back;
Helps us pedal;
Unseen, gives us strength.

When in control, we ride our way;
A bit unwilling; hesitant;
To let go;
A desire to go far;
Oftentimes, we end up
Over the bar.
Often overlooking; bypassing;
Sweet singletrack flow.

Then one day, as we pedal,
It happens:
On tandem, a switch of places.
He takes the lead,
He knows secret places;
Once unknown; now revealed.

Delightful long cuts, singletrack ribbons
And threads;
Up mountains, down rocky places;
Inspiring; breathtaking;
At speed, it flows and flows.

In open space;
With open ears;
Hear Him whisper, "Pedal!"
At times we ask, Where are you taking me?”
Madness; it may seem.
He takes us; riding the gnar.

In open space;
Captured; with open eyes;
We learn to see;
Pedal and pace
In His grace with faith.

Pedal and pace;
In open space;
Here all along;
Public and free.

On tandem, heaviness made light.
He steers; will not wreck;
He knows bike secrets;
Creator of gravity;
Bend sharp corners;
Jump high rocks;
Float deep ruts;
Level steep angles;
Stick and slide;
Off camber; no matter.

Ride; pedal and pace;
Constant motion; learn to be still;
Pedal strange places;
The view and breeze;
In open space; our tandem companion;
Always in control.
Pedaling and pacing.

Mile after mile;
Hand, legs, and mind numb;
Brutal moment, you think, “I can’t; No more.”
He smiles and says….”PEDAL.”

Next day, awake, refreshed, renewed;
We ride; all over again.
Pedal and pace.

Be blessed and kept.

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